Publications & Article About Stephen Joseph

This page contains details of significant publications and articles written about Stephen Joseph by other authors. For details of books written by Stephen Joseph himself, visit the Publications By page. The Articles pages also has examples of Stephen's writing published in various magazines and media.


Publications About Stephen Joseph

There have been relatively few publications relating to Stephen Joseph with the most significant being Dr Paul Elsam's biography and appraisal Stephen Joseph: Theatre Pioneer & Provocateur, published by Bloomsbury. The majority of the other publications touch on Stephen Joseph in some form and his contribution to British theatre.
Stephen Joseph: Theatre Pioneer & Provocateur
Author: Dr Paul Elsam
Publisher: Bloomsbury (2014)
ISBN: 9781472586711

The Origins of the Potteries' Victoria Theatre
Author: Leslie Powner
Publisher: The Arnold Bennett Society (2018)
ISBN: 9780957035072

Alan Ayckbourn: Grinning at the Edge
Author: Paul Allen
Publisher: Methuen (2001)
ISBN: 0413731200)
50 Years New
Author: Simon Murgatroyd
Publisher: Stephen Joseph Theatre
ISBN: N/A (available by contacting
Simon Murgatroyd)

Conversations With Ayckbourn

Author: Ian Watson
Publisher: Faber and Faber (1988)
ISBN: 0571151922)

The Repertory Movement: A History Of Regional Theatre in Britain
Author: George Rowell & Anthony Jackson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (1984)
ISBN: 9780521319195

Publications Relating To Stephen Joseph

How To Grow Old Disgracefully
Author: Hermione Gingold
Publisher: Gollancz (1989)
ISBN: 978-0575044777

Harold Pinter
Author: Michael Billington
Publisher: Faber (2007)
ISBN: 978-0571234769

The Golden Generation: New Light on Post-War British Theatre
Editor: Dominic Shellard
Publisher: British Library (2008)
ISBN: 978-0712349475
This section is being updated. More details soon.

Articles About Stephen Joseph

The Helen Weinberger Address
Author: Michael Weller
Publication: American Drama, volume 1, number 1 (Fall 1991)

Harold Painter's The Birthday Party: The Lost 'Second' Production

Author: Paul Elsam
Publication: Studies in Theatre and Performance 30:3
This section is being updated. More details soon.
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd and all original material copyright of Simon Murgatroyd. Please do not reproduce this material without permission of the copyright holder. With thanks to Dr Paul Elsam for his help with the original Stephen Joseph site from which this section of A Round Town was adapted.