Scarborough A - Z
The A - Z is an alphabetical guide to people, places and events relating to theatre - with an emphasis on theatre in the round - in Scarborough. This is an ongoing project, produced in association with the Encyclopaedia at with new content being regularly added. To begin exploring, click on a letter in the right hand column below.M
A - Z
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The McCarthy: The end-stage auditorium at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough. The theatre is named after Charles 'Mac' McCarthy, a key figure in the conversion of Scarborough's Odeon cinema into the Stephen Joseph Theatre, who bought the name of the auditorium as part of the theatre's fund-raising efforts. It is a 165-seat space which was initially designed to retain key architectural features from the original Odeon building.
McCarthy, Charles Mac: The first employee of McCain Foods in the UK and later the chair of UK McCains Food operation for 32 years. Charles McCarthy (1929 - 2013) or 'Mac' as he was more commonly known was a philanthropist who supported both the arts and sport in Scarborough. Together with Alan Ayckbourn and Lord Downe, he formed the ADMirable Partnership in 1990 to secure the lease of the former Odeon and to fundraise towards its. Conversion into the Stephen Joseph Theatre.
Keith McFarlane: The first
Mechanics Institute: See Literary and Mechanics Institute.
Meet My Father (Relatively Speaking): Original title of Alan Ayckbourn's breakout play Relatively Speaking and the title by which the play was first produced at Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough, on 8 July 1965. This production - which was substantially edited from the original manuscript - differs substantially to the play as it exists today.
Millennium: A Scarborough tourist attraction on Foreshore Road which opened in May 1993, telling the history of the town. It originally featured several actors playing characters from the town's past, the scripts for which were written by Alan Ayckbourn. These characters were phased out over time due to the financial costs and the attraction closed in 2002.
Mr Whatnot: Alan Ayckbourn's play which opened the Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round on 26 October 1976. The play was chosen as it was an Ayckbourn play which had not premiered in Scarborough nor been produced previously in the town.
Modern Dramatists: Alan Ayckbourn: A book by the noted theatre critic Michael Billington on Alan Ayckbourn's plays. First published in Macmillan 1983 and updated for a second edition in 1990. It includes reference to theatre in the round and Alan Ayckbourn's relationship with Scarborough.
Municipal School: The Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round moved into Scarborough's Municipal School between 1976 and 1995. The school has opened in 1900 and ran until 1921, at which point became the town's High School For Boys between 1922 and 1959.
Monks, Chris: The third Artistic Director of the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough, from 2009 to 2015.
Murgatroyd, Simon: Alan Ayckbourn's Archivist and the administrator and creator of the playwright's official website. A professional writer and former journalist, he is also the author of the book Unseen Ayckbourn and was responsible for both finding Alan Ayckbourn's lost second play, Love After All, in 2007 and the believed destroyed original manuscript for Absurd Person Singular in 2022. Between 2004 and 2022, he was the Honorary Archivist for The Bob Watson Archive at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough.
The Scarborough: A - Z section of the website is created in collaboration with Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website. Original research is by Simon Murgatroyd and copyright of the author. Please credit this website if reproducing the information.