Scarborough A - Z
The A - Z is an alphabetical guide to people, places and events relating to theatre - with an emphasis on theatre in the round - in Scarborough. This is an ongoing project, produced in association with the Encyclopaedia at with new content being regularly added. To begin exploring, click on a letter in the right hand column below.P
A - Z
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Peggy: See Margaret Ramsay.
Palladium Picture Palace: See Arcadia Theatre.
Paxton's Music Hall: See Spa Theatre.
Pemberton-Billing, Veronica: Stephen Joseph's housekeeper, Veronica Pemberton-Billing - nicknamed P.B. - who was closely involved in the early years of theatre in the round in Scarborough and later on the Scarborough Theatre Trust board.
People's Palace and Aquarium: An entertainment complex with concert hall and theatre which opened in 1877 beneath Valley Bridge (now Aquarium Top). In 1907 the 1,100-seat Aquarium Theatre which also showed films from 1910. Renamed Gallant in 1925, it ran until 1966 before being demolished and is now the site of an underground car park.
Phelps, Sarah: An award-winning playwright and screenwriter whose play Amaretti Angels was premiered early in her career at the Stephen Joseph Theatre.
Picture House: Former cinema located in Vernon Place opened in 1912. It closed c.1915 and as part of Oddfellows Hall, the site later became part of Scarborough Library. and part of what is now Scarborough Library.
Picturedome: Former cinema on Newborough which opened in 1908 and closed during the early 1920s. It is currently retail premises.
Pier Pavilion: Former theatre built at the head of Scarborough North Pier on what is now the Marine Drive. The pier opened in 1859 with the Pier Pavilion added c.1889. The Pavilion is most commonly associated with the Pierre's and as a very early purveyor of short films. The pier was destroyed in 1905 by a storm although the Pavilion continued live shows until 1907 and was demolished in 1914.
Pinter, Harold: Nobel-prize winning British playwright and contemporary of Alan Ayckbourn. After the failure of his first play, The Birthday Party, in London, Pinter was invited by Stephen Joseph to stage the play himself with Joseph's Scarborough company. Pinter agreed and made his professional directorial debut with the second production of The Birthday Party, which was produced in the round and rehearsed in the Concert Room at Scarborough Library. Alan Ayckbourn played the role of Stanley in the production which toured to Leicester and Birmingham but was never seen in Scarborough. Pinter also had a huge influence on Alan Ayckbourn.
Plater, Alan: An acclaimed and award-winning playwright and screenwriter who had several plays premiered at Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre during the 1960s.
A Pocket Guide To Alan Ayckbourn's Plays: A guide, written by Alan Ayckbourn's biographer Paul Allen and published by Faber, to Alan Ayckbourn's plays written between 1959 and 2003. Through this history it offers a detailed guide to the playwright's relationship with theatre in the round in Scarborough.
Prince of Wales Theatre: Former theatre on North Street built - possibly - in the early to mid 19th century (TBC). Initially the Royal Pantheon Music Hall, it was later renamed the Prince of Wales Theatre and closed c.1890. Little information is known about the theatre.
The Scarborough: A - Z section of the website is created in collaboration with Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website. Original research is by Simon Murgatroyd and copyright of the author. Please credit this website if reproducing the information.